Castle Building & Remodeling was recently featured in the new Angie’s List publication “Quality + Design” after loyal Angie’s List member and Castle client Kathy Anderson raves about kitchen remodel. To read the full article please download a PDF version of the article.
Highland Villager Features St. Paul Office and Sustainable Kitchen Remodel
The well known and highly read Highland Villager ran a feature story on March 25th, 2009 featuring Castle’s own Katie Jaydan and the new St. Paul Showroom. The article features an overview of an affordable green kitchen remodeling project in Highland Park.
St. Paul Design Studio Struck by Car
April, 20th 2009 – Monday’s can be tough for even the most optimistic of us. When your Monday starts with a call from your landlord that a car just smashed in to your newly completed showroom your heart races and the Monday blues set in. Luckily no one was injured and the damage was contained to the sandwich board sign and the front wall of the showroom. Look for more work to be taking place as we fix the building over the coming month.
Women’s Press Voters Choose Castle as Favorite Home Remodeler, Again.
Thanks to all of you who voted for Castle as the Women’s Press 2009 “What Women Want” favorite home remodeler. Your votes made a difference as Castle was chosen for the 2nd straight year in this category. For more information on the Women’s Press and other winners please click here.
Castle is Famous!
Castle recently appeared on the Channel 9 Morning News! We were showing off our recently completed addition project which was a part of the Parade of Homes Remodeler’s ShowcaseSM the weekend of April 4th and 5th, 2009. Part of this remodeling project included the latest trend in home remodeling – the creation of “man caves,” or spaces designed specifically for the male homeowner to use for recreation. A video of the news feature will be available soon here.
“The Remodeler’s ShowcaseSM” is a service mark of the Builders Association of the Twin Cities and is used with permission.